Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatments in Bentleigh East


A root canal involves the removal of an infected nerve from within a tooth by a dentist. A root canal is the hollow section of a tooth that contains the nerve tissue, blood vessels and pulp cells. Bacteria entering the root canal of your tooth can infect the nerve, resulting in a severe toothache. In severe cases, an abscess can form in the mouth. In many other cases, there is minimal if any pain, while still having an infected root canal that requires treatment.

Because root canal infections may not always be obvious to you if it is not causing you pain, it is a good idea to regularly visit your dentist for a check-up.

To make an appointment, call us on 03 9570 7962, or Book Online at your preferred time.

Before & After Procedures


FAQ About Root Canal Treatment


As a relatively non-invasive treatment, root canal recovery shouldn’t take longer than a few days. You may experience mild pain during this time, but know that it is temporary and will likely go away without any action on your part as long as good oral hygiene is maintained. With that said, if your symptoms last more than 3-4 days, it would be best to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist to ensure that everything is healing properly.

What is a Root Canal?

Inside each tooth, there is a soft centre made up of blood vessels, connective tissue and nerves, known as the pulp. Due to a number of factors, this pulp can become infected, potentially leading to discomfort, pain, and further damage if left untreated. As a dental procedure, the root canal removes the infected pulp, thereby allowing you to relieve pain and protect the rest of your tooth.

Keep in mind that, whilst this pulp has an important role in the development of your teeth, removing it will not significantly impact the rest of the tooth. This is because a fully-developed tooth will continue to gain nourishment from the tissues that surround it.

Root Canal Symptoms: How Will I Know If I Need A Root Canal?

Root canal treatments are extremely common, and this is partially due to the number of issues they can help to resolve. Although many patients will get root canal surgery for cracked teeth, filling issues or cavities, other common symptoms that can suggest a root canal is needed include:

Darkening of the gums
Noticeable decay in the tooth or gums
Intense temperature sensitivity that continues after the cause is removed
Gum boils, which can appear as pimples or abscesses on the gums

If you notice any significant changes in your gums, teeth, or oral sensations, it’s best to get checked out by an experienced dental specialist. The initial consultation should be able to provide valuable information regarding potential issues and how to proceed.

How Long Does a Root Canal Take?

While it’s difficult to put an exact number on the time of procedures, given that each case is going to be different and will therefore have different needs, the average root canal will take between 30 minutes and an hour. With that said, procedures can take up to an hour and a half depending on the complexity of the issue.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Cost for a Root canal procedure depends on how many nerves are in a tooth, typically can range from $900- $1500.

Book Your Dental Appointment at our Dental Clinic in Bentleigh East Now!

You can now book your dental appointments ONLINE!
However, if your preferred times are not available, please don not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to find a suitable time for you!

Clinic Hours

Monday       – 8AM to 6PM
Tuesday       – 8AM to 6PM
Wednesday – 8AM to 6PM
Thursday     – 8AM to 6PM
Friday          – 8AM to 6PM
Saturday      – 8AM to 1PM
Sunday        – Closed
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