Are you looking to repair a cracked tooth in Bentleigh East? Cracked teeth are relatively common, but can cause a variety of issues when left unchecked, including pain and a buildup of food and bacteria over time. That’s why, it’s important to have them dealt with sooner rather than later.
Causes and Symptoms of a Broken Tooth
Teeth break or crack for several reasons, commonly due to persistent grinding, large decays or large existing fillings. A broken or cracked tooth can be painful or not at all depending on how it is broken. Most times a broken or cracked tooth will allow the ingression of bacteria into your tooth towards the nerves. If left too long, this can lead to immense pain and/or infection. So, if you’re looking for assistance with a cracked tooth in Bentleigh East, we at Chesterville Dental endeavour to see you on the same day as we have dedicated appointments for issues just like this. To book your appointment, contact Chesterville Dental today.
Book Your Dental Appointment at our Dental Clinic in Bentleigh East Now!