Published: 15 February 2019

Why do i get cavities (holes) despite cleaning my teeth well?

Bacteria and sugar!

Well, the bottom line is that cavities in teeth are caused by bacteria. Your mouth is full of good and bad bacteria. The balance between them is key. Food that contains plenty of sugar can tip that balance in favour of the bad bacteria. This can result in significantly more cavities. Sugar is almost in everything nowadays. As part of our dental checkup appointment, we often educate our patients in the importance of looking at the sugar content available at the back of the packaging. They appear in things like yoghurt, cereal, muesli bars and much more. 

Cleaning well

On the topic of cleaning- flossing is an important aspect of that. Brushing alone is not sufficient to clean your teeth. When you chew, food will get lodged between your teeth and a toothbrush is not designed to remove food in between your teeth. This is where flossing or interdental brushes come into play. More recently, water floss is a popular option for those who find flossing difficult. 


One last aspect to consider is the quality of your teeth and saliva. Some people are blessed with very strong teeth and plenty of saliva with a good buffering capacity which helps prevent cavities. On the other hand, others have very thin/ weak teeth and low amount of saliva which results in more cavities. So yes- GENETICS do play a part in all of this. We find the best way of preventing cavities is having a good oral hygiene routine including brushing and flossing. In addition, always be smart about what you eat and drink and to have professional checks and cleans twice a year. 

We can help

Though our dentists are located in Bentleigh East, we service all of Melbourne and Bayside including surrounding suburbs such as Moorabbin, Cheltenham, Bentleigh, Heatherton and many more. Call us today to speak to our friendly team on 03 9570 7962 or read more here!

Clinic Hours

Monday       – 8AM to 6PM
Tuesday       – 8AM to 6PM
Wednesday – 8AM to 6PM
Thursday     – 8AM to 6PM
Friday          – 8AM to 6PM
Saturday      – 8AM to 1PM
Sunday        – Closed
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